Look at this N95! Its smaller den a box of Viceroy! Damn cute!
Hehe my new wallet~ Woot woot~Haha actually yesterday plan to rot at home the whole bloody day, but ended up went to Boat Quay during the night! Haha..was so boring that i cannot take it staying at home rotting anymore! Haha..actually no planning of going to Boat Quay at the first place, when Ray suddenly msn me and asked me whether i wanna go Boat Quay or not? At first, i didnt agree to go but was thinking, "What am i going to do if i reject his offer?" Haha so ended up i msn him straight away telling him that i will be meeting him outside Speed of Legend *Pub* at boat Quay. We went to alot of place to drink ..haha..Drank 2 jug of beer at Speed, 1 Jug at Whiskey Bar, 1 Jug at QB bar and 1 Jug at Sakae..Haha..At first i felt very bad coz i didnt went to Bell Belly and drink, but i really find that place damn boring! But i feel like saying this sentence to Ah long.. "Ah long! OMG, u waitress...wat happen? Why the waitress getting worst and worst? Last time still got pretty gal and now..omg! Ah Long ar..!" Haha..
I got a new wallet yesterday! Yay..its a coach wallet that cost me 100+ bucks =( Haha..But still ok, because my previous wallet got a big hole! Too bad my new wallet cant be able to put coin =(
Erm, still got what to say ar..let me refresh back first..Oh ya..OMG this morning i was like deadman walking! Guess what! I was damn freaking tired, and i reach home at around 7plus am..Freaking tired during that time, straight went to bed after i finish my bathe..And guess what?! Around 10 + am my auntie woke me up and asked me to go Bedok and bai bai. I was like..WTH! I"M FREAKING TIRED! But no choice, because there are so many things to carry and my er jie and auntie need my help. I drag myself out of my bed and went to wash my face..Grr..I forget that i need to go BaiBai today, if not yesterday i wont went to drink~! I deserve it! "Knock myself"
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